Fluid handling, regulation and control

Fluid handling, regulation and control

Fluid handling, regulation and control

Statiflo Custody Transfer (CT) Mixers




It is of the utmost importance that seller and customer both know exactly the water content of the oil they are purchasing or selling. This can often be very difficult because the best sampling systems in the world can only provide accurate data if they are taking a representative sample.

Statiflo’s market-leading dual leading edge designs consistently achieve a C1/C2 ratio above 0.9, in accordance with ISO3171 and API 8.2 standards, indicating a good degree of mixing therefore meaning the water is adequately dispersed within the oil and a representative sample can be taken at the mixer discharge for water in oil analysis.

Statiflo has extensive experience in providing mixers for Custody Transfer and Fiscal Measurement applications, meeting the stringent requirements of ISO3171 and API 8.2 standards.
